The bottle spun through the air headed straight for my head. I ducked just in time to see it shatter into a thousand brown pieces on the sidewalk behind me. Then the truck sped away. I left the...

The sun broke over the Baltic Sea in a soft, orange glow. Inside a beachside hotel room, I woke in a groggy blur. “What just happened?” An hour before sunset, the bus rolled to a stop at the...

“So this is what it’s like to live on the moon.” A few paces ahead, David Stein paused to catch his breathe on the trail. The Kaiparowits Plateau spreads south for 50 miles from the outpost of Escalante,...

“There is only darkness in the canyon, only the howling wind whipping through the hoodoos, under your nose and into your ears.” I penned those words in 2015. Nearly four years later, I stared back into the canyon again.

A weathered Garifuna man greeted me at the dock. His boat was a rough fiberglass skiff that looked to be as comfortable here in the Caribbean as it would be chasing cargo ships off the Horn of Africa....

Clayton Willams and Dirk Francisco pick me up on the edge of the Caribbean Sea. Two hours by road from the jungle lodge, I’m now holed up at a Belizean dive resort called Hamanasi. Williams and Francisco are...

The Macal River dances down from the Maya Mountains for almost 200 miles before flowing into its larger cousin, the River Belize. Though the river has been prone to sudden and violent floods in the past, the Macal...

“Okay. Deep breathe. Take one step. Take two. You’re a pro. You can do this.” At the top of a Mayan ruin a half-mile from the Guatemalan border, I had an epiphany. I’ve been off of the road...

I could hear the wave roaring towards be through the pool “Johnny Utah. Be Johnny Utah,” I told myself. After almost an hour of beatings, I’d taken enough punishment from the waves. Time after time, I’d paddled hopefully...

“This used to be a boys school. The headmaster was murdered here. That’s the legend anyways.” – Lynda, The Portcullis Hotel, Stirling Scotland. “Do you want to have a look?” The bar under Stirling Castle had been our...