The door of Her Majesty’s Treasury opened with a thud. “Hello,” we said. “Just here to use the Lou.” With credentials in tow, the night guard smiled and let us in.

The young Scot walked up to the wall carrying a black stone. A pair of blue, rubber gloves separated his hands from the layer of moss covering the rock; and as he lifted it into place atop the...

I looked up through the ruins of the red keep. Clouds floated where kings had tread.

This was it. 2,000 years ago, this was the place. This was the edge of the Roman Empire—Hadrian’s Wall.

“4op. Any of you got 40p?” We weren’t sure who the lady was. Given the street we were on—a rundown section of a rundown town in Wales—the logical answer seemed off. 40 pence? That amounts to about 60...

SOUTH MEMPHIS — We were Number One for a while. The Number One most dangerous zip code in America. At least that’s what statistics told us. That’s what the news said.

Salt Lake City International Airport, Gate A2— It’s out there, the wild. For a weekend, we danced together. The mountains, the salt flats, the vast expanses of primordial goo from the lake shore, caking to my shoes in...