“I heard about the guy that got dragged out of his tent at night,” the waitress said. “The bear took him in the forest and ate him up.” “Oh. Good.” I replied, as I stabbed at a plate...

“Stop! Bear!” I yelled at the hapless middle-aged woman barreling her way into a dance with a young black bear. She turned around, ran full sprint down the trail in the opposite direction and saved both herself and...

“Two of my friends have been attacked by bears. That sh*t is real,” she said. The words floated through my mind as I watched the smoldering trees fly by. Hannah’s message laid 200 miles in the rearview, and...

Left or right. The choice was not clear. The quickest route from Devil’s Tower to the Grand Tetons is a seven hour journey south through Wyoming, then northwest to the park via the highway. However, the scenic route...

DEVILS TOWER, Wyoming— It’s Night Three. I’m 1,500 miles into this voyage and staring straight into the spooky soul of a Steven Spielberg film. Maybe a mile away, maybe two—it’s hard to judge scale out here—Devil’s Tower looms...